Results for 'Dominique Van de Velde'

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  1.  19
    Understanding patient needs without understanding the patient: the need for complementary use of professional interpreters in end-of-life care.Demi Krystallidou, Ignaas Devisch, Dominique Van de Velde & Peter Pype - 2017 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 20 (4):477-481.
    High-quality doctor-patient communication in end-of-life care results in better quality of life for patients. In linguistically and culturally diverse societies, language discordant consultations become daily practice, leading to difficulties in eliciting patient preferences toward end-of-life care. Although family members invariably act as informal interpreters, this may cause some ethical dilemmas. We present a case of a palliative patient whose son acted as an interpreter. This case generated a triple- layered ethical dilemma: how to safeguard patient autonomy against paternalistic interventions by (...)
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    Semantic differences between strong and weak verb forms in Dutch.Freek Van de Velde & Isabeau De Smet - 2020 - Cognitive Linguistics 31 (3):393-416.
    Dutch, like other Germanic languages, disposes of two strategies to express past tense: the strong inflection (e.g., rijden – reed ‘drive – drove’) and the weak inflection (spelen – speelde ‘play – played’). This distinction is for the most part lexically determined in that each verb occurs in one of the two inflections. Diachronically the system is in flux though, with the resilience of some verbs being mainly driven by frequency. Synchronically this might result in variable verbs (e.g., schuilen – (...)
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    On meaning gaps and illusions.Roger G. Van de Velde - 1991 - Bochum: N. Brockmeyer.
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  4. Eenheid in de tegendelen.Heymeric van de Velde, M. J. F. Hoenen, Frans Hemsterhuis & M. J. Petry - 1991 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 53 (1):168-168.
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    Jean Palfyn, 1650-1730. Chirurgien de Gand.A. Van de Velde - 1952 - Isis 43 (3):246-250.
  6.  61
    CHAPTER Six Emotionally Grounded Social Interaction1.Dolores Cañamero & Walter Van de Velde - 2000 - In Kerstin Dauthenhahn (ed.), Human Cognition and Social Agent Technology. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. pp. 137.
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    A corpus-based account of the development of English such and Dutch zulk: Identification, intensification and (inter)subjectification.Lobke Ghesquière & Freek Van de Velde - 2011 - Cognitive Linguistics 22 (4):765-797.
    On the basis of synchronic English language material, Bolinger (Degree Words, Mouton, 1972) has put forward the hypothesis that intensifying meanings or “degree words” often develop from identifying expressions. This paper will empirically test Bolinger's hypothesis by means of in-depth diachronic study of the development of such—one of Bolinger's central examples—and of its Dutch cognate zulk in historical text corpora. To this aim, a detailed cognitive-functional account will first be provided of the (differences between the) identifying and intensifying uses of (...)
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    « Indignés » : les raisons de la colère.Cécile Van de Velde - 2011 - Cités 47 (3):283.
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    Structuralism in Belgium and in the Netherlands.Herman Parret & Roger van de Velde - 1980 - Semiotica 29 (1-2).
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    De staatshervorming en de Duitstalige Gemeenschap.Edgard Van De Velde - 1981 - Res Publica 23 (2-3):359-371.
    The existence of the German cultural community was guaranteed by the articles 3ter and 59ter of the Constitution and its organisation was institutionalized by the Law of July 10th, 1973. In 1980 the notion «German cultural community» in art. 3ter of the Constitution was replaced by the notion «German-speaking community».The reform of the statute of the German-speaking community has to be executed within the following limits : 1° an executive power that is accountable to the council can only be granted (...)
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    Bedeutung, Sprechakte und Texte.Willy Vandeweghe & Marc van de Velde (eds.) - 1979 - Tübingen: Niemeyer.
    Die Buchreihe Linguistische Arbeiten hat mit über 500 Bänden zur linguistischen Theoriebildung der letzten Jahrzehnte in Deutschland und international wesentlich beigetragen. Die Reihe wird auch weiterhin neue Impulse für die Forschung setzen und die zentrale Einsicht der Sprachwissenschaft präsentieren, dass Fortschritt in der Erforschung der menschlichen Sprachen nur durch die enge Verbindung von empirischen und theoretischen Analysen sowohl diachron wie synchron möglich ist. Daher laden wir hochwertige linguistische Arbeiten aus allen zentralen Teilgebieten der allgemeinen und einzelsprachlichen Linguistik ein, die aktuelle (...)
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  12. Moritz Schlick Philosophical Papers: Volume 1: (1909–1922).Moritz Schlick, Henk L. Mulder & Barbara F. B. van de Velde-Schlick - 1978 - Springer.
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  13.  14
    Generalizability in mixed models: Lessons from corpus linguistics.Freek Van de Velde, Stefano De Pascale & Dirk Speelman - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45.
    Part of the generalizability issues that haunt controlled lab experiment designs in psychology, and more particularly in psycholinguistics, can be alleviated by adopting corpus linguistic methods. These work with natural data. This advantage comes at a cost: in corpus studies, lexemes and language users can show different kinds of skew. We discuss a number of solutions to bolster the control.
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  14.  29
    Zur Wissenschaftlichkeit der Linguistik.R. G. van de Velde - 1970 - Philosophica 8.
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  15. COMMET for building knowledge systems.S. Geldof, L. Steels & W. Van de Velde - 1993 - Communication and Cognition: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly Journal 10.
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  16.  23
    Does framing work? An empirical study of Simplifying Models for sustainable food production.Koen Jaspaert, Freek Van de Velde, Geert Brône, Kurt Feyaerts & Dirk Geeraerts - 2011 - Cognitive Linguistics 22 (3):459-490.
    We investigate empirically whether framing in general, and the use of Simplifying Models as a framing tool in particular, has an effect on the way topics are cognitively construed. Existing studies on framing in linguistics have either been theoretical or descriptive. Going beyond such methodologically simple approaches, we use a more rigid test design involving the use of a control group, the construction of test conditions in which different Simplifying Models constitute the major source of variation, the inclusion of independent (...)
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  17. Philosophical Papers.Moritz Schlick, H. L. Mulder & B. F. B. van de Velde-Schlick - 1983 - Philosophy of Science 50 (3):498-514.
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  18.  61
    Involvement of a visual blackboard architecture in imagery.Frank van der Velde & Marc de Kamps - 2002 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (2):213-214.
    We discuss a visual blackboard architecture that could be involved in imagery. In this architecture, networks that process identity information interact with networks that process location information, in a manner that produces structural (compositional) forms of representation. Architectures of this kind can be identified in the visual cortex, but perhaps also in prefrontal cortex areas related with working memory.
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  19. Neural blackboard architectures of combinatorial structures in cognition.van der Velde Frank & de Kamps Marc - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (1):37-70.
    Human cognition is unique in the way in which it relies on combinatorial (or compositional) structures. Language provides ample evidence for the existence of combinatorial structures, but they can also be found in visual cognition. To understand the neural basis of human cognition, it is therefore essential to understand how combinatorial structures can be instantiated in neural terms. In his recent book on the foundations of language, Jackendoff described four fundamental problems for a neural instantiation of combinatorial structures: the massiveness (...)
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    From neural dynamics to true combinatorial structures.Frank van der Velde & Marc de Kamps - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (1):88-104.
    Various issues concerning the neural blackboard architectures for combinatorial structures are discussed and clarified. They range from issues related to neural dynamics, the structure of the architectures for language and vision, and alternative architectures, to linguistic issues concerning the language architecture. Particular attention is given to the nature of true combinatorial structures and the way in which information can be retrieved from them in a productive and systematic manner.
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  21. Toward a synthesis of dynamical systems and classical computation.Frank van der Velde & Marc de Kamps - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (5):652-653.
    Cognitive agents are dynamical systems but not quantitative dynamical systems. Quantitative systems are forms of analogue computation, which is physically too unreliable as a basis for cognition. Instead, cognitive agents are dynamical systems that implement discrete forms of computation. Only such a synthesis of discrete computation and dynamical systems can provide the mathematical basis for modeling cognitive behavior.
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  22.  49
    Neural correlates of reward processing in healthy siblings of patients with schizophrenia.Esther Hanssen, Jorien van der Velde, Paula M. Gromann, Sukhi S. Shergill, Lieuwe de Haan, Richard Bruggeman, Lydia Krabbendam, André Aleman & Nienke van Atteveldt - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  23.  26
    What are the determinants of survival curves of words?Freek Van de Velde & Alek Keersmaekers - 2020 - Evolutionary Linguistic Theory 2 (2):127-137.
    An evolutionary approach to historical linguistics can be enlightening when not only the mechanisms, but also the statistical methods are considered from neighboring disciplines. In this short paper, we apply survival analysis to investigate what factors determine the lifespan of words. Our case study is on post-classical Greek from the 4th century bc to the beginning of the 8th century ad. We find that lower frequency and phonetically longer lexemes suffer earlier deaths. Furthermore, verbs turn out to have higher survival (...)
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  24. Synchrony in the eye of the beholder: An analysis of the role of neural synchronization in cognitive processes. [REVIEW]Frank van der Velde & Marc de Kamps - 2002 - Brain and Mind 3 (3):291-312.
    We discuss the role of synchrony of activationin higher-level cognitive processes. Inparticular, we analyze the question of whethersynchrony of activation provides a mechanismfor compositional representation in neuralsystems. We will argue that synchrony ofactivation does not provide a mechanism forcompositional representation in neural systems.At face value, one can identify a level ofcompositional representation in the models thatintroduce synchrony of activation for thispurpose. But behavior in these models isalways produced by means conjunctiverepresentations in the form of coincidencedetectors. Therefore, models that rely onsynchrony (...)
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  25. Jos de Mul.Paul van der Velde - 1987 - Krisis 28:72-76.
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  26.  7
    La place du nom fait parmi les noms sous-spécifiés.Danièle Van de Velde - 2021 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage.
    Le présent travail se concentre sur les propriétés sémantico-syntaxiques du nom fait à l’exclusion, par conséquent, de ses usages énonciatifs, qui devraient constituer un volet complémentaire de la présente étude. La première partie du texte refait un bref historique de la définition des NSS et ajoute un nouvel argument à ceux de Adler pour appuyer l’idée que ces noms ne participent d’aucune « hiérarchie-être ». La seconde propose une répartition des NSS en trois sous-classes sur la base de critères syntaxiques, (...)
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  27. Het asielbeleid van de Europese Unie: een veiligheidskwestie? Een discoursanalytische studie naar de constructie van een gemeenschappelijke asielprocedure in Europa.Dominique Van Dijck - 2005 - Res Publica 4:495.
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    “Tu es de mon sang”: Les alliances dans le Proche-Orient ancien. By Dominique Charpin.Marc Van De Mieroop - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 141 (3).
    “Tu es de mon sang”: Les alliances dans le Proche-Orient ancien. By Dominique Charpin. Paris: collège de France, les Belles leTTres, 2019. Pp. 337, illus. €21.
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  29.  20
    The Facial Expressive Action Stimulus Test. A test battery for the assessment of face memory, face and object perception, configuration processing, and facial expression recognition.Beatrice de Gelder, Elisabeth M. J. Huis in ‘T. Veld & Jan Van den Stock - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:162648.
    There are many ways to assess face perception skills. In this study, we describe a novel task battery FEAST (Facial Expression Action Stimulus Test) developed to test recognition of identity and expressions of human faces as well as stimulus control categories. The FEAST consists of a neutral and emotional face memory task, a face and object identity matching task, a face and house part-to-whole matching task, and a human and animal facial expression matching task. The identity and part-to-whole matching tasks (...)
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  30.  32
    Cécile van de Velde, Sociologie des 'ges de la vie.Beate Collet - 2016 - Temporalités 23.
    La temporalité est bien au cœur de la réflexion de cet ouvrage, mais elle est presque invisible, tant les autres termes temporels sont omniprésents. Très vite, s’impose la question de savoir si cette Sociologie des âges de la vie qui, selon l’auteur, veut « penser l’organisation sociale du temps et l’évolution des existences humaines », est un champ thématique ou bien une sociologie générale. L’ouvrage en présente les enjeux, à la fois son renou...
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  31. Van de Veld-Kandinsky-Hölzel.Egon von Rüden - 1971 - Wuppertal,: Ratingen, Kastellaun, Henn.
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  32. Van De Velde, M. W. - Souvenir De Voyage À Travers L'afrique Centrale. [REVIEW]S. G. S. G. - 1936 - Scientia 30 (59):58.
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    Het asielbeleid van de Europese Unie: een veiligheidskwestie?Dominique Van Dijck - 2005 - Res Publica 47 (4):494-526.
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    Self-Leadership Among Healthcare Workers: A Mediator for the Effects of Job Autonomy on Work Engagement and Health.Pauline van Dorssen-Boog, Jeroen de Jong, Monique Veld & Tinka Van Vuuren - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Phylogeny and Sequence Space: A Combined Approach to Analyze the Evolutionary Trajectories of Homologous Proteins. The Case Study of Aminodeoxychorismate Synthase.Sylvain Lespinats, Olivier De Clerck, Benoît Colange, Vera Gorelova, Delphine Grando, Eric Maréchal, Dominique Van Der Straeten, Fabrice Rébeillé & Olivier Bastien - 2020 - Acta Biotheoretica 68 (1):139-156.
    During the course of evolution, variations of a protein sequence is an ongoing phenomenon however limited by the need to maintain its structural and functional integrity. Deciphering the evolutionary path of a protein is thus of fundamental interest. With the development of new methods to visualize high dimension spaces and the improvement of phylogenetic analysis tools, it is possible to study the evolutionary trajectories of proteins in the sequence space. Using the data-driven high-dimensional scaling method, we show that it is (...)
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    Een metafysische positionering van de theologale deugden: Aristoteles en Thomas.Rudi te Velde - 2014 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 106 (2):127-131.
    Amsterdam University Press is a leading publisher of academic books, journals and textbooks in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Our aim is to make current research available to scholars, students, innovators, and the general public. AUP stands for scholarly excellence, global presence, and engagement with the international academic community.
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    Simone de Beauvoir et Jean-Paul Sartre: Regard sur l’oeuvre d’Alberto Giacometti.Dominique van Hooff - 2007 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 23 (1):96-105.
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    Signification et Problématique de l’allaitement chez Émile Zola et Simone de Beauvoir.Dominique van Hooff - 1999 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 15 (1):29-39.
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    Mary Stevenson Cassatt: une féministe mal comprise.Dominique van Hooff - 2010 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 26 (1):72-80.
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    Das mäzenatische handeln des Bauherrn Karl Ernst Osthaus bei der Gestaltung seines Wohnhauses „Hohenhof“; in Hagen durch den Architekten Henry van de Velde.Oliver Schmidtke - 2007 - In Christine Tauber, Johannes Süßmann & Ulrich Oevermann (eds.), Die Kunst der Mächtigen Und Die Macht der Kunst: Untersuchungen Zu Mäzenatentum Und Kulturpatronage. Akademie Verlag. pp. 259-286.
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    La Femme et l’artiste au XIXe Siècle: Lutte et prise de conscience du deuxième sexe.Dominique van Hooff - 1994 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 11 (1):123-132.
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    Lieselotte Brems, Lobke Ghesquière and Freek Van de Velde: Intersubjectivity and intersubjectification in Grammar and Discourse: Theoretical and descriptive advances.Tine Breban - 2016 - Cognitive Linguistics 27 (1):137-145.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Cognitive Linguistics Jahrgang: 27 Heft: 1 Seiten: 137-145.
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    Book Review:Philosophical Papers Moritz Schlick, H. L. Mulder, B. F. B. van de Velde-Schlick. [REVIEW]Michael Friedman - 1983 - Philosophy of Science 50 (3):498-.
  44.  13
    Het morele veld van de Moderne Devotie, weerspiegeld in de 'Gnotosolitos parvus' van Arnold Gheyloven van Rotterdam, 1423: een Summa van moraaltheologie, kerkelijk recht en spiritualiteit voor studenten in Leuven en Deventer.Antonius Gerardus Weiler - 2006 - Hilversum: Verloren.
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    Het verborgen veld: een nieuwe geschiedenis van de natuurkunde.Cornelis Dirk Andriesse - 2015 - Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Atlas Contact.
    Het verhaal van de natuurkunde is ook een persoonlijk verhaal, want achter de feiten gaan altijd mensen schuil. Van Einstein, die Beethoven op zijn viool probeert te spelen, tot Van Swinden, die jarenlang in het planetarium in Franeker werkt. Cees Andriesse, die 'Titan kan niet slapen' schreef, een biografie over Christiaan Huygens, heeft veel gevoel voor deze verhalen. In deze nieuwe geschiedenis van de natuurkunde wordt dan ook ruim aandacht besteed aan de zoektocht en wederwaardigheden van grote figuren, maar ook (...)
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    Moritz Schlick: Philosophical Papers. Vol. 1: [1909-1922]. Edited by Henk L. Mulder and Barbara F. B. van de Velde-Schlick. Translated by Peter Heath. [REVIEW]Martin A. Bertman - 1980 - Modern Schoolman 57 (3):287-287.
  47. Enkele Opmerkingen Bij Wijze Van Antwoord Op Sarot En Van Den Brink.Rudi Te Velde - 1999 - Bijdragen 60 (1):73-76.
    De uitvoerige reactie van Sarot en Van den Brink waarin ze hun ‘Utrechtse’ positie in de wijsgerige theologie verduidelijken en verdedigen tegenover mijn vragen en scepsis, zou een uitvoerige beantwoording verdienen, uitvoeriger en grondiger dan het mij op deze plaats mogelijk is. Ik zal, ten eerste, ingaan op de kwestie van het realisme en, ten tweede, op het verwijt van ‘agnosticisme’ aan mijn adres.
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  48. Dansen op een ziedende vulkaan: een onderzoek naar de woede en het onbehagen in onze cultuur.Dominique Willaert - 2022 - Berchem: EPO.
    Het is met samenlevingen zoals met vulkanen: als de druk te groot wordt, is het wachten op de uitbarsting. Van de bestorming van het Capitool na de Amerikaanse presidentsverkiezingen tot de antivaxers en van de oproep om linkse leerkrachten te verklikken tot de massale steun voor de voortvluchtige beroepsmilitair Jürgen Conings: de druk in onze liberale democratieën ís groot aan het worden. Nooit eerder nam het onbehagen zulke gevaarlijke vormen aan en was het zo'n bedreiging voor democratische grondrechten en universele (...)
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    Classical and effective descriptive complexities of ω-powers.Olivier Finkel & Dominique Lecomte - 2009 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 160 (2):163-191.
    We prove that, for each countable ordinal ξ≥1, there exist some -complete ω-powers, and some -complete ω-powers, extending previous works on the topological complexity of ω-powers [O. Finkel, Topological properties of omega context free languages, Theoretical Computer Science 262 669–697; O. Finkel, Borel hierarchy and omega context free languages, Theoretical Computer Science 290 1385–1405; O. Finkel, An omega-power of a finitary language which is a borel set of infinite rank, Fundamenta informaticae 62 333–342; D. Lecomte, Sur les ensembles de phrases (...)
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    Exclusión del ‘estudiante secundario’. Análisis multimodal en medios de Chile.Liliana Vásquez-Rocca & Dominique Manghi - 2020 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 30 (2):297-313.
    This study shows how three Chilean media construct in their discourse the social actor ‘secondary students’, in a multimodal way. It focuses on the representation of Televisión Nacional de Chile (also known as TVN), El Dínamo and El Ciudadano of this social group which is often suppressed suppressed from the media sphere. It is a qualitative study with a social semiotic approach, following the guidelines of Visual Grammar and the typology of representation of social actors by van Leeuwen (2003). The (...)
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